Bascom AVR (Download Version)

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BASCOM-AVR merupakan compiler untuk microcontroller Atmel AVR dalam bahasa Basic dan beroperasi pada OS Windows (XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8, Win10 & Win11)

Key Benefits:


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BASCOM-AVR merupakan compiler untuk microcontroller Atmel AVR dalam bahasa Basic dan beroperasi pada OS Windows (XP/VISTA/Win7/Win8, Win10 & Win11)

Key Benefits:

  • Structured BASIC with labels.
  • Structured programming with IF-THEN-ELSE-END IF, DO-LOOP, WHILE-WEND, SELECT- CASE.
  • Compiled programs work with all AVR microprocessors that have internal memory.
  • Special commands for LCD-displays , I2C chips and 1WIRE chips, PC keyboad, matrix keyboad, RC5 reception, software UART, SPI, graphical LCD, send IR RC5, RC6 or Sony code.
  • TCP/IP with W3100A/W5100/W5200/W5300 chips.
  • Built in AVR-DOS functions like MKDIR, CHDIR, DIR, OPEN, CLOSE, etc
  • Integrated simulator for testing.
  • Integrated ISP programmer (application note AVR910.ASM).
  • Integrated STK200 programmer and STK300 programmer. Also supported is the low cost – Sample Electronics programmer. Can be built in 10 minutes! Many other programmers – supported via the Universal Interface.
  • Many supported programmer like STK500, STK600, MKII, USBASP, JTAG , Arduino

Produk ini support untuk board Arduino (program menggunakan Basic dan ditanamkan langsung dari software IDE ke board Arduino)


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